Fans are Alarmed as Bilal Abbas Khan Unfollows Ahad Raza Mir and Ramsha Khan.


Anzalna K blog

Look, with digital media gathering a large lot of social capital and worth, navigating relationships and friendships is difficult anymore. In a perfect world, potential repercussions would be kept private, as they should be. People notice when a public figure, regardless of how inconspicuous, decides to take some type of action on social media. Bilal Abbas Khan, for example, has unfollowed Ahad Raza Mir and Ramsha Khan.

Anzalna K blog

Source Bilal Abbas Instagram photo

What Happened When Bilal Abbas Khan's Spree Was Unfollowed?

To be honest, we don't know much more than that. Both Ahad Raza Mir and Ramsha Khan were unfollowed on Instagram by the Cheekh and Dobara actor, who is the apple of many fans' eyes (with 2.4 million followers on Instagram alone). Fans were quick to notice, and many are left wondering what prompted the singer to take such a drastic step.

This is also a good time to point out that Bilal Abbas Khan does not follow Feroze Khan on Instagram.

We're not connecting the dots here. We can only present certain facts (and whispers) and leave the rest to the audience's discretion. Alternatively, you may wait for a statement from the celebrities in question.

Ahad Raza Mir and Ramsha Khan recently starred in the Ramazan drama Hum Tum against one other. Many people enjoyed their performances, and fans cheered for the two performers' characters in the play. Bilal Abbas Khan has already been linked to Ramsha Khan, and rumour aside, the two appeared to have a genuine bond.

What conclusions can be drawn?

This unfollowing frenzy seemed to have come out of nowhere, leading to more suspicion and a lot of sadness among the performers' followers. However, the truth of the situation is still unknown.

Let us, however, collectively put a stop to further speculation. If there was a fallout, let us hope that the stars have healed from whatever happened.

Ramsha Khan Bilal Abbas khan Ahad Raza mir

#ramshakhan #bilalabbaskhan #ahadraamir

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